
Hello! My name is Meredith Cook.

I am married to Keelan and a stay-at-home-working mom of two tiny redheads. Originally from South Carolina, I now call North Carolina home. After living in Houston for almost five years, I sometimes pretend I’m really from Texas.

I serve as the Grant Coordinator for Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where I earned a Master of Divinity in Missiology. I am also the author of Go Tell Everyone: 9 Missionaries Who Shared the Good News, a children’s board book about the Great Commission and missionaries, published by B&H Kids.

Most of the articles on this site are introspections on how to live as a Christian in each season of life. As I fumble my way around, I desire to share what I’m learning in case it may help you, too. I will regularly share lists of good articles and books, with the occasional book review thrown in.

When I’m not supplying my kids with snacks, taking them to the playground, or requesting large sums of money from foundations, I enjoy drinking too much coffee, hiking with my family, hosting friends for dinner, reading, and baking. You can also find me on Twitter, where I occasionally interrupt your timeline with really boring tweets.

