Reading Roundup- June 2024

The Lord Sees: Learn to Rest in God’s Justice

Trevin Wax

When I look around at the injustices of life—from the smallest of wrongdoings to egregious sin against others—I can easily get discouraged at the complete inability of mankind to deal with injustice properly and effectively. That’s not to say that humans should not seek justice, but this article from Trevin Wax is a reminder that God sees all injustice and He alone is able to deal with it perfectly and completely. And He will.

Let’s Stop Hyper-Spiritualising Counseling

John Koning
TGC Africa

To be quite honest, I’m not totally sure what I think about this one. But I included it here because I think it’s worth reading. The article may be a bit reductionistic, but like the author, I do think that many individual’s struggles are often elevated to the counseling level when they should likely first be addressed at the habit-formation-spiritual-disciplines level.

One Day Leads to Another

Seth Lewis

If you read only one article in this list, make it this one.

“Tomorrow’s reality will be shaped by today’s actions and choices, for good or bad. If I continue on the same course in the days that follow, the results can increase at compound interest, for good or”

Fathers (And Mothers), Do Not Provoke Your Children!

Tim Challies

As our kids get older, more independent, and (at times), more strong-willed, my husband and I have talked repeatedly about the verse expounded upon in this Challies article. This article, and his follow-up, give some helpful categories for disciplining children in a way that builds them up without provoking them to anger.

“We can too easily content ourselves with outwardly moral children instead of children who are inwardly holy.”

Making the Most of Your Summer Mission Experience

Scott Hildreth
Lifeway Research

Some good advice from my friend on best practices for short-term mission trips.

When therapy-speak enters the real word

Theara Coleman
The Week

This article is really good, though I imagine some may not think so. The writer addresses vernacular that I’ve been concerned about for a while. I agree with her assessment but imagine we won’t see much change for a while.

“The popularization of therapy-speak puts ‘clinical terminology into the hands of non-clinically trained people who then weaponize it.’”

Prayers that God Will Not Answer

Tim Challies

Challies lists some reasons why God may not be answering our prayers in a needed reminder that unanswered prayers do not equate to God’s indifference to us.

“God will not rob us of experiencing blessings by lifting us past the means through which they can be ours.”

Be Quick to Listen, Slow to ‘Therapy Speak’

Mia Staub
Christianity Today

We have a bit of a theme for this month. This time, the concerns about therapy-speak come from a Christian perspective. Note that the concerns are not with therapy or counseling itself—I believe counseling can be highly beneficial. However, I do think that the terminology should largely stay in the counselor’s office, so to speak. This article and the one above help explain why.

“Overusing a word can take away its severity, making light of the heaviness it holds for those walking through dark valleys.”

It’s Not a Life of Ease

Tim Challies

Short, sweet and to the point, this article is a case for faithfully practicing spiritual disciplines.

My neighbor lived to be 109. This is what I learned from him.

David Von Drehle
Washington Post

A fun look at the perspective gained from a long life and what we have to learn from our elders.

Old Age Syndromes to Avoid

Barbara Harper

This article has lived rent-free in my mind since I read it a few weeks ago. I’ve caught myself exhibiting some of these “syndromes” even now, and am seeking to lean out of those tendencies in an effort to become the kind of old lady I want to be.

The Last Kid in Ninth Grade Without an Iphone

Liz Krieger
The Cut

This is an interesting look at young high schoolers whose parents held out on giving them a phone so young. I imagine, or at least I hope, that parents will increasingly delay giving their kids phones as we see increasing research on the detrimental effects of phones and social media on children.

You can find previous roundups here.