Lucy and the Saturday Surprise (Crossway, 2023)

Note: Periodically I’ll post book reviews to serve as a resource for readers looking for recommendations. I plan to include books for adults as well as kids’ books. Very few of these reviews will be on new releases. If you’re like me and are about two to three years behind on your reading, then this section is for you! You can find other book reviews here.

Lucy and the Saturday Surprise

Lucy and the Saturday Surprise
Melissa B. Kruger
Crossway, 2023

On a lazy Saturday morning, Lucy and her brother go to the grocery store with their dad to buy supplies for dad's famous french toast. Dad lets Lucy and Lewis each choose a treat, but on the way home Lucy's chocolate melts! Lucy is jealous that her brother gets to enjoy his lollipop all day. She grows increasingly bitter, coveting Lewis's treat and eventually sneaks a bite of it. As she tries to hide her actions, she learns an important lesson about jealousy, confession, and forgiveness.

Lucy and the Saturday Surprise illustrates to kids the toll that jealousy and coveting take on us. Left unchecked, covetous desires affect every relationship we have—with God, with others, and with ourselves. Lucy teaches kids 1) that we must live with our choices, even if they don't work out quite like we'd hoped and 2) actions have consequences and owning up to our mistakes (instead of hiding them) leads to freedom. This book is helpful for parents whose kids are struggling with jealousy and lying.


  • After Charlie and the Preschool Prodigal, this is probably my kids' favorite out of the TGC Kids book series. They enjoy pointing out the "easter eggs" of characters from other books in the series. (Arlo, of Arlo and the Great Big Cover-Up shows up in the background of this one and Lucy shows up in Charlie and the Preschool Prodigal.)

  • In this season with my kids, Lucy and the Saturday Surprise is the book I've called back to most often when talking to my kids about their character. It helps to have a tangible example from a book they love when they're struggling with lying or jealousy.

  • I like that the book emphasized confession as an important part of turning from coveting, and not just confession to God but confession to the person you wronged through your coveting. There is freedom in bringing sin to light in the community of fellow believers.

  • I appreciate that these books also show positive examples of how we should respond when someone does something wrong. For example, Lucy's dad helps her understand her own actions, graciously corrects her, and encourages her to do the right thing by confessing to Lewis what she had done. Likewise, Lewis is gracious in his response and gives kids an example of how they should respond when someone wrongs them.

  • I'm not convinced that the book defines the word "coveting" in a way that really makes sense to kids. I frequently feel like I need to simplify the language even further for my kids, even though they're both within the age range for this book.

  • As I mentioned in my review of Charlie and the Preschool Prodigal, I appreciate the "Note to Grown-Ups," but I think these books would benefit from a few discussion questions for parents who might not know how to help their kids critically think about the principals in this book.

Who Should Read This Book:
This book is a helpful resource for parents and teachers of preschool-age children who desire to instill biblical truths in their kids in a compelling way. Christian parents of young children are most likely to pick up this book and read it to their kids.

Favorite Quotes:
"When you feel envy toward someone, it's best to confess what you are feeling to someone you trust."